Monday, May 19, 2008

Spring Cleaning

I logged in Friday night and decided that I needed to go through all of my bank alts to make sure that I didn't have anything dropping out of the mail. After doing a little spring cleaning, I clicked on Longbow (my nelf hunter) and figured that I might as well get started on my dailies.

Just before logging in with Longbow, I decided to go ahead and delete my character Testx that I use to figure out what I want my character to look like when I am trying to pick what face, hair, and beard on my alts. He was taking up my last character slot and I was toying with the idea of rolling a warlock or mage. So, I click on delete and get the prompt to type the word "DELETE". I type delete, click "OK" and notice the most peculiar thing.

My character Testx was still on the screen. I must not have hit "OK". At this point I've wasted too much time with my "spring cleaning" and house keeping, so I figured that I would log in with Longbow and knock out my dailies. If this sounds like is. On a side note, this game can certainly feel like a second job at times...but I still love it. Anyways, back to my dailies. I moved the pointer up to my #1 spot on the character selection screen where Longbow normally sits...only there was no longer a Longbow!

It appears that in my hurry to finish up my "spring cleaning", I accidentally deleted Longbow. At this point I was in panic mode. Longbow may not have the best gear, but I have spent months in the battlegrounds grinding out honor one loss and one mark at a time to get him the gear he is wearing. To make matters worse, I was saving up for an epic mount and had finally gotten above 3,000 gold. Now, I realize that is a drop in the bucket for some players, but for me, it was a lot. After staring at the screen in disbelief for a few minutes, I do the only thing I could do at this point. I logged in with my bank alt, opened a GM ticket and started praying to the game gods that someone would have mercy and restore poor little Longbow.

An hour goes by and I walked through all the possibilities in my head. What if I get him back with zero gold and no gear. What would happen to all my stuff in the bank. Would I lose all my mail? I couldn't begin to fathom spending that amount of time re-gearing him a second time. Heck, I don't even like my hunter that much. His main purpose in life was to run my alts through instances, enchant thier gear and make them bags (I have two with Longbow, the other with my alts). I finally got tired of sitting in Ironforge waiting on a GM, so I logged off and went to grab a bite to eat.

I logged back in, checked the character screen and still no Longbow. I logged in as my bank alt and after about one minute, the icon changed for my ticket and said something to the effect that my ticket would be resolved shortly. Then, one minute later, it said that my issue had been resolved and that I had been selected to take a customer satisfaction survey.

Needless to say that I didn't take the survey. I logged back out and checked the character selection screen. THERE WAS LONGBOW! And he was wearing all his gear. I logged in with him and the only thing that was lost was my guild and arena team membership (I still had my arena points).

To the GM that handled my ticket on Baelgun...I owe you a BIG thank you!

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